Masculine energy quiz pdf

According to shaivism, one of the major branches of yogic philosophy, there is a divine masculine energy that takes the form of the hindu god, shiva, and a divine feminine energy that takes the form of the goddess, shakti both shiva and shakti are alive in both men and women. Feminine energy is naturally softer, more sensuous, more fluid, and expands. The michael entity a collective of 1050 souls in the physical universe said that there is an overall balance of focused and creative energy on our planet, so that the malefemale energy ratio for the entire population at any one time will be 5050. I think the key is to balance the two, but it isnt always easy to find that balance. I have been reading a lot lately about the concepts of masculine and feminine energy. Regardless of gender, we all contain both masculine and feminine energy and your leading energy reflects your inner nature and values. Its easy to get frustrated with gendered nouns when youre first starting to learn french in fact, even for advanced speakers, it can be tough to deduce whether a word is masculine or feminine in french without ever making any mistakes even once your conditional is perfect and youve totally mastered the subjunctive, even then you, as a nearly. Polarity is the attraction of opposites the magnetic pull of the masculinefeminine. Young men expressed tremendous energy and engagement with the idea of. Kundalini energy ignites when the masculine and feminine. Feminine energy is about slowing down and relaxing, letting go and allowing the flow of life to take its course.

In addition, the quiz totally assumed a binary gender, which i dont think was necessary for the concept, and completely ignores intersexuals and nonbinary genders. People with opposite energies will attract sexually. According to yoga philosophy, the male energy is known as shiva and the female energy is known as shakti. If you want to understand masculine energy, think of a charging bull. No matter what gender or orientation, we all have access to some wonderful masculine. Dec 27, 2009 david, i agree that women need to bring out their feminine energy if they have too much masculine energy. An example of elastic potential energy is the energy of. An example of chemical potential energy is the energy of.

The difference between feminine and masculine energy. It is the highest, most inspiring and truest expression of masculinity that is manifested through thoughts, actions and beliefs. Femininity is humility and unconditional love, the heart within the breast of your soul and together they make the whole soul essence. The answer is polarity and increasing your masculine energy.

How developed one side is compared to the other defines the balance between the masculine and feminine sides. When you physically do something, your mind follows. Equity means to acknowledge our differences, accept them, and understand the value of them. Understanding the nature of shiva and shakti will reveal the divine within. You had trouble with some of the quiz questions, but you completed the quiz. This doesnt necessarily mean through sex although this certainly helps. A lot of women in the us and western world in general think a feminine woman is inferior to masculine traits active is always better than passive, assertive is always better than submissive while the truth is its about energetic matchthere is no good or. You can brainwash yourself with autosuggestion, visualization or by reading this post once a week if you need to rewire your mindset, but bottom line, this one is all about taking action. I teach gender inclusion, and the power of feminine energy in the workplace. According to shaivism, one of the major branches of yogic philosophy, there is a divine masculine energy that takes the form of the hindu god, shiva, and a divine feminine energy that takes the form of the goddess, shakti.

Aug 26, 2019 the divine feminine energy displays itself in many forms, across many species. Last month we began discussing the difference between feminine and masculine creative energy and what occurs when those energies are out of balance. We have compiled some questions so that you can get a better idea of whether youre living in your feminine, masculine or in neutral sexual essence. Their guys are no bigshot ceos or managers themselves but sculptors, artists, writers, men in softer professions who can complement the energy of. The male energy is symbolized by the sun and the feminine by the moon. In terms of energy output, the masculine side always has energy available to put into accomplishing things, while the feminine side always has energy available for doing what is right or good.

However most people are naturally on one end of the spectrum or the other. In order to get an accurate result for feminine masculine energy quiz please go back and answer all the questions. The idea behind surrendering to masculine energy is no longer fearing it. The idea of all men being masculine and women being feminine is broken. Pdf on jan 1, 2019, arahmaiani and others published balancing feminine and masculine energy find, read and cite all the research you need. Think of it as masculine energys power source, a spiritual battery. Weve got an easy interface thats far more intuitive than similar sites you may have seen. Have you ever played a game where you did not know the rules of the. The more you bring your masculine energy to your relationship, the more your woman can be her feminine self, which makes lovemaking hotter, more intimate and more satisfying.

Most women, for example, who are feminine at their core, will put on a masculine mask. The primary way to understand masculine energy is to think of 2 words doing and action. The partners no longer have the play of masculine and feminine energies between them. But too much feminine energy can leave you vulnerable. Your internal energy can also be depolarized if you havent corrected your underlying limiting beliefs. If i would be simple, masculine energy holds about 40 points of energy and feminine energy holds about 140 points of energy. You can receive by getting a massage, pedicure, or having someone cook a meal for you. Masculine and feminine energy part 1 mastering alchemy. Masculine energy versus feminine energy what is metaphysics. The human orgasm could give a small idea of this sleeping energys powerful potential. Masculine energy, by its nature, is more arrowlike in contrast to feminine energy. Expressing emotions is not only a way to keep yourself on a good balance of masculine and feminine energy, its good for your personal health, improves relationships, and builds selfawareness. A simple definition of the energy the capacity to do work, move an object by some application of force or heating an object.

Learn the difference between masculine and feminine energy. All of us have divine masculine shiva aspects and divine feminine shakti aspects to. Masculine and feminine energy part 2 mastering alchemy. However, being a feminine man or a masculine woman is not a weakness. For example, when you smile a big goofy smile it gives your brain a small surge of dopamine happy chemicals. Now that this notion of masculine energy is more, clear you just need to do it. Its about being present and not directing the flow of events as much as allowing the events to unfold. Apr, 2020 masculine energy is a penetrating force of energy. How balanced are you between your feminine and masculine energy. Lover energy is the energy of excitement, passion, emotion, sensuality, and youthful idealism. A lot of women in the us and western world in general think a feminine woman is inferior to masculine traits active is always better than passive, assertive is always better than submissive while the truth is its about energetic matchthere is no good or bad inherent in them.

Jul 10, 2015 2 if feminine energy is not for you, you can go for a feminine energy man who will complement your masculine energy in the relationship. Everyone has a masculine and feminine energy within them. Going with the flow is an example of feminine energy. The divine masculine represents a spiritual, psychological and archetypal ideal of masculine energy. Balancing your masculine and feminine energy bingo theory. The concept of feminine energy is often misunderstood as subjugation or being a doormat. If your approach always varies or is somewhere in between the two choices, check both boxes.

It doesnt mean that its not equal to the male energy. I hope i have demystified masculine energy for you. If anything, i would, as a male, argue that the female energy is so much more powerful than the male energy for two key reasons. In the third dimension masculine energy and feminine energy are very much out of balance. By receiving loveenergyattention your deep well of feminine energy is filled up. It all sort of goes along with the yin and yang definitions of masculine and feminine. The divine feminine energy displays itself in many forms, across many species. This is all about the creative energy that we each can tap into and utilize.

No matter what gender or orientation, we all have access to some wonderful masculine and feminine. The idea behind surrendering to the masculine energy, is not always having to become more masculine to survive as a woman in the situations where theres no need to be in survival mode. Dec 30, 2016 masculine energy versus feminine energy. Anything that requires you to do something, to take any sort of action, needs your masculine energy. It was in this moment that i saw masculine and feminine energy in a different light. Its assertive, decisive, aggressive, and it goes forth. Feminine vs masculine energy for each life area listed below, check off which approach is more like you, most of the time.

Keep in mind that we are not talking about male and female people. Are you balanced between your feminine and masculine energy. The common misconception is that divine masculine is inherent to the male population. So if you are feminine in your core, then you will find commonality with another feminine energy, but you will find passion with masculine energy. Are you wondering where you are on the femininemasculine energy balance scale. I see this a lot with many modern, successful women i know. An example of gravitational potential energy is the energy of. There are men with masculine energy being their strength and women with feminine energy being their strength. Ive been described as both a radical, manhating feminist, and an ignorant pacifist attempting to wrangle women back to 1950s america. Sep 18, 20 what are masculine and feminine energies. Masculine and feminine energy the masculine is sovereignty, the crown upon your soul.

I once had a boyfriend who said of me, shes a trooper i can go scuba diving, windsurfing, snowboarding, etc. I am in touch with my emotions and its ok for me to cry. I will be talking about it a lot, especially in relationship with feminine energy and how we can use them to redefine what it means to be a man in todays america. Feminine energy is the receptive energy that opens. This is not an accurate result, because you did not answer the questions. Feminine masculine energy quiz was created by jessica. Mar 04, 2018 lover energy is the energy of excitement, passion, emotion, sensuality, and youthful idealism. The divine feminine is the creative force that brings all things into existence.

Pdf balancing feminine and masculine energy researchgate. Now you know which areas about energy you can focus on to learn more. Feminine energy is very expansive, very creative, and very fluid. The masculine and feminine energy has nothing to do with gender, and both. I dont get why the quiz asked what my gender was, however i feel whatever gender i identified as does not necessarily play any part with my energy. Focus on compound and body weight exercises squats, dead lifts, pull ups, pushups for maximum masculine energy. These complementary channels on either side of the body are known as nadis the word meaning a stream though which prana life force circulates. Sandra lipsitz bem, this test classifies your personality as masculine or feminine. David, i agree that women need to bring out their feminine energy if they have too much masculine energy. When most people are stressed or tired, they put on the mask of the opposite energy. The displays of masculine energy are most raw in ancient, more primal societies, where the man was the keeper of boundaries, the hunter and provider of food, the physical strength behind manufacture and the imagination of the innovator and creator.

It is easy to compartmentalise masculine and feminine into 2 groups, however i have noted 8 archetypes for masculine and feminine energy, although i am sure these could be split into many more. What is feminine energy and how you can attract masculine. How long does it take you to get ready for a night out. There are 7 characteristics of feminine energy id like to address in particular. Mar 08, 2016 masculine vs feminine energy crash course. Whereas modern men tend to lack in king and warrior energy, they are most often quite in touch with their lover energy since lover energy is usually the first of the four archetypes to develop in men as they mature. Feminine energy or masculine energy knowing your differences. Or do you feel in the dark about what all this means. Exploring dimensions of masculinity and violence cares wiki on. How to balance your female and male energy the chopra center. It will also show you whether you are naturally more feminine at your core, or more masculine at your core. Feminine energy can do 25 things at one time while it swirls and curves.

How are social constructs of masculinity related to mens violent use of power. Though gender stereotyping is controversial, it is important to note that bems work has been tested in several countries and has repeatedly been shown to have high levels of validity and test retest reliability. Beware that too much relying on your dominant energy is not a good thing. The kundalini energy is likened to a serpent sleeping at the base of the spine until the long awaited call for the joining of the masculine and the feminine energies is heard. Mar 18, 2010 the idea behind surrendering to the masculine energy, is not always having to become more masculine to survive as a woman in the situations where theres no need to be in survival mode.

Though gender stereotyping is controversial, it is important to note that bems work has been tested in several countries and has repeatedly been shown to have high levels of validity and testretest reliability. Masculine energy is a little bit hard to understand, but it can be equated to yang in chinese philosophy. Energy is a quantitative property which can be transferred from objects to objects, can take forms but cannot be created or destroyed. Both partners are channeling the same type of energy, which causes the relationship to become stale, tense or unbalanced. Regardless of gender, we all contain both masculine and feminine energy and your leading energy. Crying isnt the only emotion you have, but it is certainly on the top of the list of those you try to hide, push down, or run from. Jan 15, 2018 how to increase your masculine energy. In this work, sinta is a key gure who not only questions her marginalised. I do not think i need to define the differences for you.